Wednesday, October 10, 2012

For the Love of Books

I have spent my entire life in love with books.  It started as a child; reading Judy Blume and John Steinbeck, "A Ring of Endless Light", etc.  My real introduction to literature was during my senior year though.  That's when I met James Joyce.  I wanted to write like him, I wanted to be published and spend my life painting portraits of how I saw the world through words.

I studied English literature in college where I found my true passion to be more poetic.  John Donne and George Herbert in the 17th Century stretched my brain out like bubble gum; leaving me quivering in the center.  William Wordsworth, Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and my all time favorite poet- Keats changed the way I viewed my own existence.

Long story short, I am a lover of books, history and stories.  I find anything that ties us to the past, moves us into the future.

Feel free to join me, and my newest passion- Old Wethersfield Books- together we can  enjoy the past, create for the future and share in the love of great minds.


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